Comb Price:
Top Fee:

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How to Claim Haircomb

"Every BTC block, one instance of COMB is spawned. In order to claim it, you need to get one of your bc1 stealth addresses to be the highest, unseen P2WSH address on the block. This is done by sending a very small amount of BTC (330 sats) to the address in question, as well as paying a large fee to the BTC miner. BTC miners almost always order the addresses on BTC blocks by fee size, so if you pay a higher fee than every other P2WSH address on the block, your address will likely be the highest, and you’ll get to claim the spawned COMB." -21teeth

1. Install Electrum or any Bitcoin wallet that allows customizable fees and fund it. At least 0.001 BTC is recommended to attempt some claims.

2: Open Haircomb Core and create your wallet.
-Wallet Tab
-Mainnet Key Generate
Mainnet -Export Tab
Export-Name and save your wallet file. History is saved off-chain, so you'll carry your wallet file instead of copying a seed phrase.

3: Get your one-use stealth address.
-Wallet Tab
-Click on the key you generated
-You'll see some key info, click on the green "Stealth Addresses" button.
keyinfo-You'll see a list of your stealth addresses on the right. Each is used once to attempt a claim.stealthkeys-Click a key from the list, the bc1 stealth address you need will be at the bottom left in the 'Stealth address' info.

4: Set up Electrum for bidding
-Open Electrum
-*Optional* Change the unit of measurement from mBTC to Sats.
sats-Paste the bc1 stealth address and add 330 stats (.0033 mBTC) to the amount.
amount-Click Pay
-In the top right, click the dropdown to allow fee editing.

5. Bid for Top Fee

***RECOMMENDED FEE: 200-300 sats/vB***

-The chart above will give you an idea of current fees, but the accuracy is low (30%). Always assume it's higher!
-Current top fee is possibly 177 sats/vB
-Input a higher fee. Ex: 200 sats/vB.
-My transaction has taken the "Top Fee" spot. This is a good sign, but it doesn't always display here.

6. Wait for results
-Once a new block is mined, you can check if you won or not.
-The chart above will refresh when a block is mined, or you can use a Block Explorer for more accurate data.

7. Check results
-Open Haircomb Core
-Ensure your wallet is imported.
-Coins Tab
-Click "Load Claims" and wait for it to finish loading.
loadclaims-Wallet Tab
-In Key Info, click the blue "Claimed stack check" button
claimedcheck-Your stealth addresses will be updated.
claimamount-This image shows I succeeded once to claim 1.52 comb and I failed a separate time.

8. Move the claimed comb to your wallet.
-Press the "Sweep Stealth Addresses" button.
sweepstealth-Your key should be updated with your new balance.
balance-Be sure to save/export your new wallet balance.
-Congrats, you claimed Haircomb!